Planning on joining us at the 45th Annual Emmy® Awards?
The cocktail reception and silent auction begin at 5:00 p.m., dinner seating starts at 6:45 p.m. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at The M Resort Spa Casino in Las Vegas. Black tie is suggested.
Members may only purchase two tickets at the member price, each additional ticket may be purchased at the non-member rate. Buy Tickets!
For table sponsorships and pricing please email the chapter office: [email protected]
- Type
- Members
- Non-Members
- Regular Price
- $115
- $185
- Late Price After Jun 10
- $200
- $200
Staying over??
Our host hotel the M Las Vegas is offering a special price of $175 per night and a discounted resort fee. Book your room BEFORE May 24th for the special room rate. Call the toll free reservations line at 877-673-7678 and mention the group code SPSE19 to receive the group rate or logon