Buy Your Tickets Now for 2016 Emmy Awards
Planning to attend NATAS-PSW regional Emmy awards gala Saturday, June 11 in Palm Springs? Buy your tickets now!
- Members may purchase two (2) tickets at the member price of $100 each; $165 each for non-members.
- Member pricing is only good through the end of May. After June 1st, all tickets are $165, for members or non-members.
- Purchase tickets on our website.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the event and buying a table, please contact our office: [email protected]
- Sponsorship package one, which includes two tables and an ad in the program, is $2300;
- Sponsorship package two, which includes one table and an ad in the program, is $1400.
- Sponsorships and tables must be purchased in one payment with either one credit card or check.