New Categories for 41st Pacific Southwest Emmy Awards
The deadline to submit your online entry form for the 41st Pacific Southwest Emmy Awards is this Friday, January 30th at 9 p.m. Don’t be late. After that time, you can still submit, but there will be a $25/per entrant/per entry late fee. The final day to complete your entry form with a late fee is Friday, February 6th. You will have until Friday, February 13th to upload your video, so submitting your entry form is the greater priority.
We have added three new categories this year:
Category 21. TECHNOLOGY Single Story or Series
For excellence in coverage of technology industry stories and related subject matter. Time limit: 10 minutes. Series time limit: 15 minutes.
Category 38. LIFESTYLE Program/Special
For excellence in a program or special that deals with everyday life subjects; such as food preparation, recipes, techniques, home improvement, decoration, renovation, gardening, outdoors, crafts and/or automotive repairs. Time Limit: 30 minutes.
Category 39. TECHNOLOGY Program/Special
For excellence in a program or special that covers the technology industry and the application of this knowledge for practical results. Time Limit: 30 minutes.
When entering, keep your summary brief and to the point. When entering craft categories, don’t use the same description as the program categories. Tell the judges what you did in particular to your craft for that entry.
And the MOST important detail, pay your membership dues before submitting an entry.
Good luck to everyone, we hope to see you in June at the Emmy Awards!