Spanish Judging Opportunity
Spanish Judging Opportunity
Earn judging rewards to use towards membership dues and entry fees
We have an online Emmy® judging opportunity this month to judge the Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter, in Spanish categories. When you submit your Emmy® Entry, you are agreeing to judge other chapters’ entries. Without this reciprocity, there would be no Emmy® Awards. Judges will receive one judging reward per panel judged. Judging rewards are valued at $5- each, and can be used towards membership renewal, Emmy® Entry submissions, and Emmy® Event Tickets. The deadline to complete judging is Friday, July 15, 2016.
Qualified judges need a minimum of 2 years of professional television experience relevant to the category being judged. To become a judge, please email [email protected] with the name of the panel(s) that you’re qualified and willing to judge, and you’ll be sent a link to the judging web site, along with detailed instructions, and a login code. You will then create a judging profile and view the entries online in the comfort of your home or office. Judging does not have to be completed in one sitting; you may start and stop as needed.