Newscast – Evening – Larger Markets
- KGTV 10News at 7:00 Filner Resigns, Michael Rozzen, KGTV 10News
- KGTV 10News at 11:00 Cop turned killer meets deadly end, Ali Pfauser, KGTV 10News
- Fire on the Fourth, Reed Abplanalp-Cowan, Ryan Goodman, KSNV
- CBS News 8 at 5: Tuite Not Guilty, Barbara Richards, Louis Weiner, CBS News 8
- NBC 7 News at 11, Nina Martensson, NBC 7 San Diego
- Blue Diamond Dangers – 6PM Newscast, Alicia Corso, Dave Courvoisier, KLAS TV
- KGTV 10News at 5:00 Dorner Drama, Rose Arslan, KGTV 10News
Newscast – Evening – Smaller Markets
- Eyewitness News at 6, Cristi Jessee, Jeff Lenk, Marco Morfino, KBAK-TV
- 17 News at 5pm, Megan Simpson, KGET TV 17
- 17 News at 5pm, Megan Simpson, KGET TV 17
Newscast – Morning – Larger Markets
- KGTV 10NewsThis Morning Over the Edge, Kristin Phillips, KGTV 10News
- KLAS TV TV This Morning, Kody Stover, Kirsten Joyce, Brian Loftus, KLAS TV
Newscast – Morning – Smaller Markets
- There are no nominees in this category
Newscast – Weekend – Larger Markets
- KGTV 10NewsWeekend Hannah Found Safe, Audra Stafford, KGTV 10News
Newscast – Weekend – Smaller Markets
- There are no nominees in this category
Team Coverage
- There are no nominees in this category
Journalistic Enterprise
- Enterprise Composite 2013, Derek Staahl, San Diego 6 News
- Compilation on Danger, Despair, and Hope, Steve Atkinson, KGTV 10News
- August Enterprise, JW August, KGTV 10News
Breaking/Spot News Coverage
- Boston Marathon Explosions, Lori Brown, NBC 7 San Diego
- Las Vegas Strip Shooting, Ken Smith, KLAS TV
- Ammar Harris Arrest, Allison Anslinger, KTNV
- Carpenter One Fire Fight, John Treanor, Adrian Crooks, KSNV
- White Fire Live Coverage, Victoria Sanchez, Brandon Davis, KEYT NewsChannel 3
- Candlelight Vigil Car Crash, Stacey Gualandi, Ryan Brooks, KTNV
- Kidnapped Teenager Found Safe, Jessica Cox, NBC 7 San Diego
- Trouble On The Mountain: Carpenter 1 Wildfire, Lauren Rozyla, Tim Zeitlow, KLAS TV
- Springs Fire, Mabrisa Rodriguez, KEYT NewsChannel 3
- Lunchtime Terror, Joseph Bartels, Christopher Benka, Mark Mutchler, KLAS TV
- Restaurant Rescue, Matt DeLucia, FOX 5 Las Vegas
General Assignment Report – Within 24 Hours
- Dangers Of Snapchat, Erica Fox, Serkan Stage, FOX 5 San Diego
- Longhauling, Amber Dixon, KSNV
- Inside a Drug-Smuggling Super Tunnel, Derek Staahl, San Diego 6 News
- Smith Center Falcon, Denise Rosch, Richard Gacovino, KSNV
- The Search for Hannah Anderson, Joe Little, KGTV 10News
- Missing Hikers, Joe Little, KGTV 10News
- Herbie’s Fall, Joseph Bartels, Christopher Benka, KLAS TV
General Assignment Report – No Time Limit
- Carpenter One Wildfire, Victoria Spilabotte, KTNV
- Personajes de la Linea, Fernando Escamilla, Pedro Calderon-Michel, Univision San Diego
- Dollar Store Crack Pipes, Cristin Severance, Arie Thanasoulis, KGTV 10News
- The Widowmaker, David Peterlinz, Vanessa Murphy, KLAS TV
Investigative Report – Single Story or Series
- Viviendo de la Basura, Beatriz Rodriguez, Telemundo 33
- Bob Filner, The Mayor Of San Diego, JW August, Mitch Blacher, Arie Thanasoulis, KGTV 10News
- Kidnapped Baby Mystery, George Knapp, Matthew Adams, Ian Russell, Steven Kanigher, KLAS TV
- Diploma or Deportation? A University Investigated, Mari Payton, Tiffany Spitzer, Adam White, Mark Sackett, NBC 7 San Diego
- You’re In My House Now, Nathan Baca, Alexander Brauer, KLAS TV
News Special
- Get Ready Kern County, Cristi Jessee, Amity Addrisi, Kurt Rivera, Jeff Lenk, Jeremy Rowell, Aaron Perlman, Teresa Burgess, Walter Suazo, KBAK-TV
- Boston Bombing 10 p.m. Newscast Special, Jerry McCormick, Tiffany Spitzer, Heathre Wade, NBC 7 San Diego
- Typhoon Haiyan Survivors in the Philippines, Nelvin Cepeda, Kristina Le, U-T TV
- Special Election, Yalda Sharifie, Jim Patton, Conor Lawrence Volk, San Diego 6 News
News – Arts/Entertainment – Single Story or Series
- The Heart of Community, James Gregg, U-T TV
- Herb Hardesty, a life of music., Jason Bean, Las Vegas Review-Journal
- Aging Artist Returns to His Life’s Work, Katie Schoolov, Angela Carone, KPBS San Diego
News – Business/Consumer – Single Story or Series
- There are no nominees in this category
News – Crime – Single Story or Series
- Condenados en Tierra Ajena, Daniela Mosquera, Enrique Chiabra, Francisco Rivas, Univision Palm Springs
- Tracking Sex Offenders, Elizabeth Donatelli, KSNV
News – Education/Schools – Single Story or Series
- No Tech School, Beth Farnsworth-Ward, KEYT NewsChannel 3
- Bathroom Battle, Jackie Parks, Evan Hinojos, KERO 23 ABC
- Sweetwater Union School District-Fire Alarms, JW August, Cristin Severance, Arie Thanasoulis, Mitch Blacher, KGTV 10News
- What Happened to RJ, Kyle Zuelke, KLAS TV
News – Environment – Single Story or Series
- Neighbors At Odds – Paiutes vs. Power Plant, Jon Castagnino, Jason Valle, FOX 5 Las Vegas
- Snake Man, Steven Luke, NBC 7 San Diego
- End of Darkness, George Knapp, Matthew Adams, KLAS TV
News – Health/Science – Single Story or Series
- Condena Silenciosa, Adriana Arevalo, Martha Saldana, Ricardo Bonilla, KINC- Univision
- The Selfless Teacher, Candice Nguyen, San Diego 6 News
- El Gen de la Muerte, Martha Saldana, Adriana Arevalo, Ricardo Bonilla, KINC- Univision
- Beauty’s Perception, Jason Zuidema, Kathleen Bade, FOX 5 San Diego
- Conectados Pero Enredados, Claudia Rodriguez, Univision San Diego
- San Onofre, JW August, Mitch Blacher, Arie Thanasoulis, KGTV 10News
News – Historic/Cultural – Single Story or Series
- Holocaust: One Man’s Courage To Remember, Nichelle Medina, Kenny McGregor, CBS News 8
- Carol Kaye: Unknown name, unforgettable music, Rachelle Murcia, Ley Vaughn, KGET TV 17
- Rebirth of Historic West Las Vegas, Sharie Harvin, Rudy Villarreal, KLAS TV
- Isla De Las Muñecas, Claudia Rodriguez, Fernando Escamilla, Univision San Diego
- Nevada Atomic Test Site, Peter Dawson, FOX 5 Las Vegas
News – Human Interest – Single Story or Series
- Cedar Fire 10 Year Anniversary, Nancy Aziz, San Diego 6 News
- Tyler King Part 1 & 2: Life Since his Sister’s Murder & His Mission to Change the Laws Thru a New Documentary, Kathleen Bade, FOX 5 San Diego
- Child Life Specialist, Serkan Stage, FOX 5 San Diego
- Rasheka’s Journey off the Streets, David Riggleman, KCLV TV 2, City of Las Vegas
- Danger, Despair and Hope at the Border, Steve Atkinson, JW August, Michael G. Mora, Juan Pablo Medina, Jorge Armando Nieto, KGTV 10News
- Nazi Slayer Finds Peace, Nathan Baca, Alexander Brauer, KLAS TV
- Una Esperanza en Paso Doble, Alejandra Michelle Trujillo, Miguel Sanchez, Enrique Chiabra, Univision Palm Springs
- Mimo Moy… Hablando en Silencio., Claudia Orozco, Luis Manuel Lopez, Telemundo 33
- Homeless Babies And Toddlers Endure Tough, Long Days On San Diego Streets, Katie Schoolov, Susan Murphy, KPBS San Diego
- What’s Your Love Language?, Ruby Chen, FOX 5 San Diego
- Day of Dominic, Elizabeth Beaubien, KMIR News
News – Politics/Government – Single Story or Series
- The Lights Are On, and Big Brother’s Watching, Gerard Ramalho, KSNV
- Cost of Ultimate Justice, Elizabeth Donatelli, KSNV
- Deadbeat Debtors, Darcy Spears, Ozkar Palomo, KTNV
- Big Mining, Little Taxes, Reed Abplanalp-Cowan, Chris Jones, KSNV
- California’s new drought: a labor shortage in the fields, Jonathan Gonzalez, Johnny Guillen, KBAK-TV
- Filner’s Last Day, Yalda Sharifie, Jim Patton, Conor Lawrence Volk, San Diego 6 News
- Boulder City Corruption, George Knapp, Matthew Adams, KLAS TV
- Specialty Court Series, Dree De Clamecy, Jessica Moore, KSNV
News – Religion – Single Story or Series
- Drive Thru Prayer, David Brooks, U-T TV
- 12 Steps to Redemption, Stefanie Jay, Joseph Lybarger, Arron Healy, FOX 5 Las Vegas
- Mormon Missionaries, George Knapp, Matthew Adams, KLAS TV
News – Military – Single Story or Series
- Warmth, Finally, James Gregg, U-T TV
- WWII Vet Graduates High School, Paula Lopez, KEYT NewsChannel 3
- Un Mundo Nos Vigila, Marco Gonzalez, Yanula Ramirez, Univision San Diego
Sports – News – Single Story or Series
- Trophy Trucks, Elias Awad, Univision San Diego
- Race to Cure Huntington’s Disease, Lucas Zapata, U-T TV
- The Kicker, Howard Lipin, U-T TV
- San Diego to Sochi, Steven Luke, NBC 7 San Diego
Sports – Daily or Weekly Program
- Padres Live, Max Michalak, Jason Lewis, Kimberly Pletyak, Michael Oddino, Mike Pomeranz, Mark Sweeney, Steven Rose, Jeffrey Byle, Fox Sports San Diego
- Playing Through with John Weisbarth: Santaluz, John Weisbarth, Dave Evenson, Jay Conner, Fox Sports San Diego
- Chargers Insider, Nicoletta Ruhl, Jordan Beane, Sam Davis, San Diego Chargers
- Del Mar Opening Day, Kimberly Pletyak, Max Michalak, Michael Oddino, Jeffrey Byle, Fox Sports San Diego
Sports – Documentary
- There are no nominees in this category
Sports – Interview/Discussion
- There are no nominees in this category
Sports – Event/Game – Live/Unedited
- Monster Energy Cup, Kenyon Blower, Michael Prince, Todd Jendro, Chris Bond, Jeff Manhart, Dave Prater, Feld Motorsports
- Padres In Game Footage, Kimberly Pletyak, Max Michalak, Jason Lewis, Michael Oddino, Jeffrey Byle, Fox Sports San Diego
- CIF South Region Football Championship 2013, Ned Augustenborg, Robert Baumgart, Time Warner Cable
- CIF Division I State Girls Volleyball Championship, Ned Augustenborg, Robert Baumgart, Time Warner Cable
Children – Program or Special
- There are no nominees in this category
- Our People. Our Culture. Our History., Jessica Hernandez, Loma Media
- Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story, Kevin Tostado, Craig Bentley, Tostie Productions, LLC
- Teenage $ex 4 $ale: Human Trafficking in San Bernardino County, Christopher Lee, San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office
- Justin, Robert & Bryon, Michael Badami, Rich Badami, Paula Berberick, June Satler, Rich Underwood, Sharp HealthCare/Badami and Associates
- Broadway in the Hood, Matt Christensen, Vegas PBS
- Un Judio en Caborca, Zejaria Ozeri, David Chait, Pepe Stepensky, Zimran Entertainment, Culture of Peace
Education/Schools – Program or Special
- A teacher is going to do that, Lou Fontana, Michael Johansen, Cox Communications
- PeaceConferencing Games, Peter Glaser, Del Mar TV
- Salute to Education, Carla Jean Hockley, Sandra Torres, Channel 4 San Diego
Arts/Entertainment – Program
- artScene: Zarkana, Matt Christensen, Vegas PBS
- Live at the Belly Up, Timothy Powell, Chris Goldsmith, Karla Esquivel, Gabriel Soltero, Shaun Sauer, Belly Up Productions
- Art Pulse TV – Episode 7, Barbarella Fokos, David Fokos, Art Pulse TV
- Frank Wildhorn & Friends, Kevin Robinson, Myron Martin, Adam McCarthy, Jeff Lester, Cade Cridland, Jessey Riley, Vegas PBS
- Art Pulse TV – Episode 14, Barbarella Fokos, David Fokos, Art Pulse TV
- Art Pulse TV – Episode 15, Barbarella Fokos, David Fokos, Art Pulse TV
Interview/Discussion – Program or Special
- There are no nominees in this category
Health/Science – Program or Special
- Stories of The Sharp Experience, Episode 12, Michael Badami, Rich Badami, Paula Berberick, Janet Clancy, June Satler, Rich Underwood, Sharp HealthCare/Badami and Associates
Historical/Cultural – Program or Special
- Freedom is Never Free, Arti Nehru, Jeffrey Davis, Marie Moran, Garden Grove TV3
- America’s Only Royal Palace, Pamela Glennon, AWE
Informational/Instructional – Program or Special
- Mello-Roos: The Tax You Choose, Joanne Faryon, Jorge Contreras, Christopher Maue, Roland Lizarondo, KPBS San Diego/inewsource
- Tras la Reforma, Viridiana Vidal Gonzzali, Adriana Arevalo, Ricardo Bonilla, KINC- Univision
- Smoke, Dominican Republic, Vic Alavi, AWE
Magazine Program/Special
- Private Islands: Fiji, An Exotic Escape, Christina Cindrich, AWE
- Private Islands: Four Seasons Maldives, Christina Cindrich, AWE
- Savor San Diego, Lorena Whiteside, Matthew Jensen, William Mangham, Scott Rieckens, Ryan Knight, Sean Horton, Su-Mei Yu, Savor San diego
Short Format Program
- Russell’s Story, Paul Alexander Juutilainen, De Facto Fiction Films
- Larger Than Life: The Story of the Northern Elephant Seal, Bill Wisneski, Palomar College Television
Military – Program or Special
- The War at Home, Jeffrey Landset, Aaron Drawhorn, KLAS TV
Public/Current/Community Affairs – Program or Special
- Delivering a New Downtown, Justin Yurkanin, Michael Quine, Benjamin Spillman, Jason Bean, Las Vegas Review-Journal
- Drilling For Billions, Katey Rusch, Grant Simpson, KGET TV 17
- The Briefing Room, Steve Crupi, Carlos Olmedo, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Special Events Coverage
- The Strip at Night – Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon 2013, Alicia Corso, Denise Valdez, KLAS TV
- Lighting Up 2014, Shayna Hayes, Patranya Bhoolsuwan, Paula Francis, Dave Courvoisier, KLAS TV
- PSW Emmy Awards Show 2013, Michael Kurtz, Craig Bentley, NATAS Pacific Southwest
- Wealth on the Water: Cannes Yacht Show, Jenn Barlow, AWE
- Cox Presents: A Salute to Teachers, Carla Jean Hockley, Deborah Davis-Gillespie, Channel 4 San Diego
- America’s Party 2013 – New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas, Aubrey Clerkin, Justin Monteith, Matthew Munro, Jessica Moore, Jim Snyder, Rich Gacovino, Mackenzie Warren, KSNV
Community/Public Service (PSAs) – Single Spot/Campaign
- California 10/20 Promo, Paul Forget, George Bonaros, U-T TV
- Thousand Oaks Transit Metrolink Commuter Shuttle Service, Richard Swingler, TOTV, City of Thousand Oaks
- Did You Know? – “Distracted”, Dane Wygal, Raegan Matthews-Roesink, Jan Bullard, digital OutPost
- Patriot Ride for Heroes – PSA, Isning Gamez, Isning.Inc
- Breast Cancer Can’t Stop San Diegans, Patricia Elwood, CBS News 8
- First 5 San Diego – Explore, Marlee J Ehrenfeld, MJE Marketing Services
- First 5 San Diego – Healthy Eating, Marlee J Ehrenfeld, MJE Marketing Services
- Intellectual Property Theft FBI Regional Campaign, Nate Thomas, Tim Russ, Nate Thomas & Associates
- Calling All Parents Cyberbullying Campaign, Andy Larson, Kerrie Briggs, Erik Naso, Sherene Pistotti, Erin MacCourtney, NBC 7 San Diego
- Screen Your Teen, Dave Meyer, Dave Meyer Design
Promotion – News Promo – Single Spot
- Perfect Blend “Coffee Spot”, Yvette Belisle, FOX 5 Las Vegas
- Snappy, Sergio Rodriguez, FOX5 Las Vegas
- Weather “Signs”, Erik Naso, Tara Jelnicki, Heather Luskie, Dylan Gerber, Ian Scott, Travis Marlatt, Eddie Wohl, Stefan Gerber, NBC 7 San Diego
- Ted’s Goodbye, Sergio Rodriguez, FOX5 Las Vegas
- Fronczak Baby: Cold Case Re-Opened, Greg Sleeper, KLAS TV
Promotion – News Promo – Campaign/Image
- Morning Light Campaign, Mario Mendez, KLAS TV
- CBS 8 Image 2013, Steven Poitras, CBS News 8
- Las Vegas is My Home, Greg Sleeper, Mario Mendez, Paul Wick, KLAS TV
Promotion – Program – Single Spot/Campaign
- Wildlife Series Promo, Mark Sorvillo, AWE
- Padres Season Opener – In the Beginning, Cheryl Gorman, Fox Sports San Diego
- artScene Promos, Matt Christensen, Vegas PBS
Commercial – Single Spot
- Lawrance Furniture – Fantasy (Table), Christopher Karcher, Mitch Wourms, Howard Haimsohn, emota, inc.
- Lawrance Furniture – Fantasy (Chair), Christopher Karcher, Howard Haimsohn, Mitch Wourms, emota, inc.
- Brandon, Michael Badami, Rich Badami, Janet Clancy, Sharp HealthCare/Badami and Associates
Commercial – Campaign
- National University ” Youth Spot”, Mark Satuloff, Jerry C Lee, Beth Schechter, Mike Burgos, Scratch Media
- 2013 San Diego Padres Promotional Campaign, Stephanie Yang, Kevin Dodge, San Diego Padres
Graphic Arts – Graphics
- The Silver Pigskin, Jonathan Hirschbein, KUSI News
- Graphics Composite, Rosangela Payan Arciniega, Univision San Diego
Graphic Arts – Animation
- There are no nominees in this category
Graphic Arts – Art Direction
- Art Direction Composite, Ashish Banthia, KLAS TV
- car2go, Jorge Contreras, KPBS San Diego
Graphic Arts – Set Design
- There are no nominees in this category
- Larger Than Life: The Story of the Northern Elephant Seal, Luke Bisagna, Palomar College Television
- Malashock Dance – 25th Anniversary, John Malashock, Malashock Dance/UCSD-TV
Musical Composition/Arrangement
- Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story, Larry Groupé, Tostie Productions, LLC
Director – Newscast
- Fox 5 Nightly News Composite, Jason Osborne, FOX 5 San Diego
- Director Composite, Conor Lawrence Volk, San Diego 6 News
- FOX 5 Evening News – San Diego, Art Axtell, FOX 5 San Diego
- KUSI News Directing Composite, Gabriel Soltero, KUSI News
Director – Live or Recorded Live
- There are no nominees in this category
Director – Post-Production
- Terri Tries It, David Fokos, Art Pulse TV
- A Growing Passion, Marianne Gerdes, AGP Productions
- The Story of Aulani, James Rogers, Cox3 – Cox Communications
- Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story, Kevin Tostado, Tostie Productions, LLC
- Stories of The Sharp Experience, Episode 12, Rich Underwood, Sharp HealthCare/Badami and Associates
Director – Short Form
- PSA/Short Form Composite, Paul Alexander Juutilainen, De Facto Fiction Films
- Mission Federal Credit Union, Michael Brueggemeyer, Amalgamated Grommets
- AMFM Fest: A Love Story, Rich Henrich, Charles VanWinkle, Film 4 Change
- Calling All Parents Cyberbullying – School, Andy Larson, NBC 7 San Diego
- Bacon Bad, Michael Hacker, KUSI News
- National University ” Youth Spot”, Mark Satuloff, Scratch Media
Director – APC Operator
- There are no nominees in this category
Director – Technical Director
- There are no nominees in this category
Editor (Within 24 hours) – News
- Dangers of Snapchat, Serkan Stage, FOX 5 San Diego
- Kidnapped Baby Mystery, Matthew Adams, KLAS TV
- Deadly Crossfire, Adam White, NBC 7 San Diego
Editor (No time limit) – News
- Rescue Riders, Suzanne Bartole, CountyNewsCenter.com
- Tattoo Girl, Rob Klein, KSNV
- Active Shooter, Serkan Stage, FOX 5 San Diego
Editor (No time limit) – Program
- Editor Composite 2013, James Gregg, U-T TV
- Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story, Kevin Tostado, Craig Bentley, Tostie Productions, LLC
- Stories of The Sharp Experience, Episode 12, Kevin G. King, Sharp HealthCare/Badami and Associates
Editor (No time limit) – Short Form
- Mission Federal Fall 2013 Campaign, Michael Towe, Amalgamated Grommets
- It Takes a Team, Stephanie Yang, San Diego Padres
- California 10/20 Promo, Megan Christofferson, U-T TV
- Calling All Parents Cyberbullying – School, Andy Larson, NBC 7 San Diego
Editor (No Time Limit) – Sports
- There are no nominees in this category
- A Salute To Teachers 2013, Jeff Ravitz, Channel 4 San Diego
- Lighting Composite, Adam White, NBC 7 San Diego
On-Camera Talent – Anchor
- Anchor Composite, Reed Abplanalp-Cowan, KSNV
- Preston Phillips Composite, Preston Hutcheson, KGTV 10News
- Evening Anchor, Jessica Moore, KSNV
- Good Morning San Diego Anchor, Alexis DelChiaro, KUSI News
- Anchor Composite, Jim Patton, San Diego 6 News
On-Camera Talent – Reporter
- Reporter Composite, Kurt Rivera, KBAK/KBFX-TV
- Reporter Composite, Reed Abplanalp-Cowan, KSNV
- Reporter Composite, Christine Kim, KSNV
- Came in Like a Wrecking Ball, Joe Little, KGTV 10News
- Reporter Composite, Michael Lopardi, KTNV
- Composite for Reporting, Joseph Bartels, KLAS TV
- Reporter Composite, Matt DeLucia, FOX 5 Las Vegas
- COMIC-CON 2013, Walter Morris, FOX 5 San Diego
On-Camera Talent – Sports
- Sports Reporter Composite, Casey Keirnan, KERO 23 ABC
- Kevin Acee at Alliance Gym, Kevin Acee, U-T TV
- Sports Reporting, Mike Klan, KEYT NewsChannel 3
- Annie Heilbrunn: Sports Feature Reporter, Sharon Heilbrunn, NBC 7 San Diego
On-Camera Talent – Weather
- What’s a weatherperson in Las Vegas to do?, Kevin Janison, KSNV
- Because It’s Not Always 72 and Sunny in San Diego, Craig Herrera, KGTV 10News
On-Camera Talent – Program Host/Moderator/Performer
- There are no nominees in this category
Photographer- News – Within 24 Hours
- Manhunt, Scott Kavieff, CBS News 8
- Cashell Composite 2013, Kash Cashell, KLAS TV
Photographer – News – No Time Limit
- Drilling For Billions, Grant Simpson, KGET TV 17
- Rescue Riders, Suzanne Bartole, CountyNewsCenter.com
- Photojournalist Composite, Rudy Villarreal, KLAS TV
- Typhoon survivors in the Philippines, Nelvin Cepeda, U-T TV
Photographer – Program (Non-News)
- Russell’s Story, Michael Gerdes, De Facto Fiction Films
- Where Greater Things Happen, Todd Rogenthien, Scripps Health
- Stories of The Sharp Experience, Episode 12, Gabrielle Paciorek, Sharp HealthCare/Badami and Associates
Photographer – Short Form (Promos, PSAs, Commercials, Opens, etc.)
- Via Brasil Steakhouse, Tai Howard, FOX5 Las Vegas
- Taylor Photographer Composite, Steve Taylor, KERO 23 ABC
- Calling All Parents Cyberbullying – Home, Erik Naso, Andy Larson, NBC 7 San Diego
- Calling All Parents Cyberbullying – School, Erik Naso, Andy Larson, NBC 7 San Diego
- Bacon Bad, Michael Hacker, KUSI News
Video Essay (Single Camera Only)
- Iron Chef, Joe Wiedemann, CBS News 8
- Double Helix, John Locher, Las Vegas Review-Journal
Writer – News
- Isla de las Muñecas, Claudia Rodriguez, Univision San Diego
- Writing Composite, JW August, KGTV 10News
- News Writing Composite, Candice Nguyen, San Diego 6 News/NBC 7 San Diego
- Surviving an Active Shooting, Chrissy Russo, FOX 5 San Diego
- Mari Payton Writing Composite, Mari Payton, NBC 7 San Diego
- Deadly Delay, Matt DeLucia, FOX 5 Las Vegas
Writer – Program (Non-News)
- America’s Only Royal Palace, Pamela Glennon, AWE
- Roberto Clemente Essay, Dick Enberg, Fox Sports San Diego
- Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story, Kevin Tostado, Craig Bentley, Tostie Productions, LLC
- Larger Than Life: The Story of the Northern Elephant Seal, Bill Wisneski, Mona Witherington, Palomar College Television
Writer – Short Form (Promos, PSAs, Commercials, Opens, etc.)
- Calling All Parents Cyberbullying – School, Andy Larson, NBC 7 San Diego
- AMFM Fest: A Love Story, Rich Henrich, Film 4 Change
- Composite, Greg Sleeper, KLAS TV
- Calling All Parents Cyberbullying – Home, Andy Larson, NBC 7 San Diego
- From The Page To The Screen, Yvette Belisle, FOX 5 Las Vegas
Video Journalist – Within 24 Hours
- The Gift of Giving, Walter Morris, FOX 5 San Diego
- Look for the Helpers, Greg Bledsoe, NBC 7 San Diego
Video Journalist – No Time Limit
- Composite, Greg Bledsoe, NBC 7 San Diego
Student Programming – Newscast
- Stories de la Frontera – Student Edition (Episode 2), Astrid Mendez Medina, Alex Miller Pastore, San Diego City College
- Stories de la Frontera – Student Edition (Episode 1), Phoebe Aoe, Alex Miller Pastore, San Diego City College
Student Programming – News: General Assignment
- Cine Roble: Symbol of Tijuana’s Past and Future, Alex Miller Pastore, Grecia Aguilar, San Diego City College
- Deported Veterans, James L. Smith II, San Diego City College
Student Programming – Long Form (Fiction/Non-Fiction)
- a-Nakba, Riley Dufurrena, Nadir Bouhmouch, Ziryab Ben Brahem, San Diego State University
- Passing the Torch, Berenice Chavez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- North to Paradise, Berenice Chavez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- The Sumner Redaction, Eduardo Castro Fonseca, Nicholas Hoskins, Carlos Borges, Chelsea Mongird, San Diego State University
- Of Beaches & Beer, Steven Moyer, Ben Moxley, Raeanne DuPont, San Diego State University
Student Programming – Short Form (Fiction/Non-Fiction)
- One Inch From Flying, Will Suto, San Diego State University
- Disinfection, Alexandra Parral, Stinne Joergensen, San Diego State University
- Xtreme Justice, Hilary Andrews, Darren Kho, Sergio Duarte, Catherine Whattam, San Diego State University
- The Cactus & The Pansy, Sergio Duarte, San Diego State University
Student Programming – Sports
- Prep Sports Live Show 11/5/13, Erica Kirtides, Rebecca Peters, Palomar College
Student Craft – Editor
- Of Beaches & Beer, Steven Moyer, San Diego State University
- Passing the Torch, Berenice Chavez, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Student Craft – Director
- Of Beaches & Beer, Ben Moxley, San Diego State University
Student Craft – Talent
- Dallas Richter, Dallas Richter, San Diego City College