Upcoming journalism and media events within the San Diego area:
SPJ San Diego Pro Chapter and American Society of Journalists and Authors will present a FREE one-day event, “How To Survive In & After Journalism.”
15 speakers will provide expert guidance on how to succeed as a freelance writer, impress editors, write and sell your book, and dive into careers in academia and public relations. They’ll answer your burning “how-to” questions and give you knowledge you can use when you make the next step in your journalism career.
Saturday, Nov. 7, starting at 9 a.m.,
Where: Point Loma Nazarene University, Fermanian Conference Center, 3900 Lomaland Drive San Diego, CA 92106
National Association of Hispanic Journalists is hosting a trip to Tijuana to learn about lifestyle reporting on both sides of the border.
Join NAHJ for a casual discussion over tacos (of course) and learn about the ins and outs of covering lifestyle stories on both sides of the border.
Tijuana journalists will also join the group to network!
WHEN: Saturday, November 14th from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
WHERE: Meet at the San Ysidro trolley station at 11 a.m. in front of McDonald’s and we will cross together to get a cab.
Contact is Elena – 760-415-6589.
The TJ restaurant/brewery location is still TBD.
COST: $10 NAHJ members, $5 students (cost will cover taxi ride)
BRING: Passport, cash (small bills)
R.S.V.P. by: Friday, November 7th
Social Media Nut & Bolts Workshop presented by the San Diego Press Club
What’s the deal with hashtags? And did you know that if you begin a tweet with @, not everyone will see it? At this workshop, we’ll take you through the basics of 3 major social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram), offering tips for how to maximize the views and engagement for each post you make. We’ll also provide a real story for you to share, post, and tweet during the seminar.
Laura McVicker, Social Media Lead/Senior Digital Media Producer for NBC 7, will help guide the discussion!
Date: Wednesday, November 18
Location: SDPC office — 121 Broadway Ste: 640, San Diego
Time: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Please RSVP to [email protected]
San Diego Association of Black Journalists: Pro for a Day student journalism workshop is coming up!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
FREE event, includes lunch
Southwestern College (LRC L238 NORTH & South)
Learn the “ins” and “outs” of journalism from a group of professionals working in the field today. You’ll also get the chance to learn tricks of the trade, get career and work advice and connect with students with similar interests.
Application Deadline: November 18, 2015
If you are interested, please RSVP.